Friends of Castlethorpe School (FOCS)
All parents are automatically members of FOCS. We also welcome the involvement of other local people who would like to support the continued success of the school which is a central part of our village and surrounding area.
FOCS play a very important role in the school. They raise an amazing amount of money, which benefits all the children. From funding the refurbishment of the school library, school trips or visitors, purchasing ICT equipment to arranging the annual Christmas party including the entertainment.
There are many ways that you can help F.O.C.S:
- Give your time to support fundraising events and other school activities.
- The company you work for may provide match funding that we can take advantage of.
- You may have a great fundraising idea that we could use.
- You can donate items for raffles and hampers.
- You can support the fundraising events such as ‘Bags4Schools’ and the 100 club.
Please contact the current committee if you are able to help in any way.